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Friday, October 3, 2014

VLC: A New Addition in Windows 8.1 App Store

By on 10:48 AM

VLC media player has been a top rated and most widely used media player on various kinds of platforms. VLC has collaborations with wide range of OS making Companies.
The team behind the app has made an announcement that VLC is
now released for Microsoft’s Windows 8.1, that can be downloaded from the web link given in the end of this article.
For clarity, at this time, the download link is the same as the Windows 8 version and do know that if you have a prior version of the modern app installed, you should remove it before you update.
VLC is the type of application that Microsoft needs in its stores to help boost its credibility. While the company has started to crackdown on fake apps, there is still work to be done but at least they are finally starting to do something.

Click here to Download =>>    Windows 8.1

About M Sufyan Ali

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M Sufyan Ali is 18 Years old Boy Student of Software Engineering, Currently Living in Faisalabad, Pakistan. He is an Addicted Blogger, Author, Web Designer and Search Engine Optimizer



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