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Saturday, September 20, 2014

Microsoft creates a keyboard for iOS and Android tablets

By on 1:24 AM

One Keyboard All Devices 

Microsoft has created a keyboard designed for iOS, Android, and Windows tablets. It’s the latest in a series of moves that underlines the company’s focus on providing software, services, and even hardware for rival platforms to Windows. The new Universal Mobile Keyboard
is very similar to Logitech’s K480 keyboard, and Microsoft’s version also includes a button to switch between iOS, Android, and Windows Bluetooth modes.
 Supporting iOS and Android isn’t unusual for Microsoft’s keyboards, but the company has gone a step further this time. The Universal Mobile Keyboard includes an Android home key and a cmd key typically found on Apple keyboards. Although it also works with Windows tablets, Microsoft hasn’t even stamped a Windows logo on the keyboard — a rare move for the company. That makes this tablet keyboard the only one in Microsoft’s range of wired and wireless keyboards without the traditional Windows key.

About M Sufyan Ali

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M Sufyan Ali is 18 Years old Boy Student of Software Engineering, Currently Living in Faisalabad, Pakistan. He is an Addicted Blogger, Author, Web Designer and Search Engine Optimizer



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