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Friday, October 3, 2014

Microsoft: Get Technical Preview of Windows 10, FREE*

Threshold 10

As promised, Microsoft has released the Windows 10 Technical Preview .
The OS, which is designed to give you a small flavor of what will be included in the final release of Windows 10, is still an early build. The build number for this release of the OS is 9841 and we know for a fact that later builds are currently floating around inside the walls of Microsoft.
windows 10

Thank God that Microsoft has replied to the user reviews of outnumbered amount, complaining bugs of Windows 8 and at last Microsoft has successfully debugged and improved a lot of areas. An OS, which is designed to help you get your work done by giving a very fast and fluid UI. This early build is intended to get user reviews and address them unlike Windows 8.The build number for this release of the OS is 9841 and we know for a fact that later builds are currently floating around inside the walls of Microsoft.
                              We all know this Preview of Windows 10 is a non-commercial release, you may find some rough edges as it is a pre-release so  you should not install this OS on your Primary Machines. You can Solve this problem by ( if you have the ability) installing this OS inside a virtual machine is the safest option and if you can't do that, we suggest you designate an older machine as a testing device and install Windows 10 on it.
                                                                     After installing the Windows 10 Tech Preview you may come up with any questions or want to talk to other users who have the bits on their machines, make sure to head into the forums or join Social Networks and  ask other users(or help out those who are having trouble with the OS.

Click the Link Below to Download


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Monday, September 29, 2014

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cortana in W9
Famouse Digital assistant CORTANA in windows10

Cortana will exist across Windows Phone and Windows 10

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Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Microsoft News: 'Windows 10' to be announced next week

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